02 03 Notes from the School Psychologist: Don’t Worry, "Shameless Self-Promotion Week" Lasts Only a Week. 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Don’t Worry, "Shameless Self-Promotion Week" Lasts Only a Week.

Friends, I have been gestating a book baby for 2 years now. It was waaaaaaay overdue. There were many pains in getting it delivered. But it’s here! Weighing less than a pound, my book baby was born on Tuesday!

As many of you who follow my Facey Face page already know, “The Teachable Moment: Seizing the Instants When Children Learn” is an anthology by educators (teachers and school psychologists alike) on how to reach the hard-to-reach student. The contributors represent an All-Star lineup of fabulous teachers and school psychologists. For example:

Mrs. Mimi of It’s Not All Flowers and Sausages fame. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry. You’ll love her story of teaching a little "Muppet" to read.

Katherine Briccetti, author extraordinaire, fancy memoir writer, and Super Psychologist. You will wish you had her powers of de-escalating students who are flipping out.

Susan DeMersseman, contributor to the San Francisco Chronicle, and an all around amazing psychologist and writer tells a tale of how a little girl teaches her a little something about how to deal with teasing.

Damian Bariexca of A Pace of Change writes on how to eliminate Shakes-fear in your students. I still have a touch of the Shakes-fear. I could relate to his students.

Alistair Bomphray of Teacher, Revised writes on that special moment when you realize your student may just be high on marijuana.

Tiffany Grizzle of Momasaurus Rex (oh I love that title!) is a mom and a teacher who writes about how to trick kids into learning. I love it.

Randy Howe, fellow anthology author of One Size Does Not Fit All: Diversity in the Classroom, the companion to my book, writes about a girl who shows up early every day to refuse to do work. Awesome.

And, who else... Ah yes, Moi! I wrote a few pieces in there too. One piece is funny, and one is so NOT funny it's funny. Total "awkward moment" situation. You'll learn a little sumthin’ sumthin’ on crisis management. Hoo boy, school psychologists, you will relate to my tale, I’m sure!

And for those of you parents out there who are wondering, “Say, what should I get my child’s teacher as a thank you for the end of the year?” may I shamelessly recommend The Teachable Moment? I may, as it is my blog. Go on and click here or on the right of my blog under “Go on, Buy Yourself Something Pretty.”

This concludes Shameless Self Promotion Week.

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