I'm trying out a new idea of having you, my talented readers, share tips with other educators, psychologists, and parents about ways you've had success in teaching kids. It can be as little as a new way to teach multiplication facts, what to do in the last 10 minutes of class, how you motivate your kid to study, or as complex as teaching social skills to kids with disabilities. The idea is for you to provide a tidbit of information to try out with kids to enhance learning or make our jobs as educators just a bit easier.
Mmm. I'm intrigued. Tell me more about Teaching Tips Tuesday (T3)
1. T3 is a "blog carnival" in which you all post, on Tuesdays, a little tip you've learned in working with children that has made your life easier. You post a link back here to my T3 post, and enter your link in the "Mr. Linky" form at the bottom of my post (Mr. Linky is an automated link service. No html fanciness required).
2. You do not have to ask me first before you participate in T3. Just jump right in. Remember, this is a family show. Inappropriate links will be deleted.
3. Please only leave a link if you have written a T3 post on your blog. Please mention T3 in your post, and link back to the master list on my blog for the Tuesday you are posting. I'll just delete "empty" links, or trickery links to something non-educator related.
4. Link to your T3 post, NOT to the front page of your blog. This makes browsing so much easier for everyone, especially when people browse around in the archives.
5. Please DO NOT host your own T3 "Mr. Linky" at your site. I'd like to keep Notes from the School Psychologist as the homepage for Teaching-Tips-Tuesday, for simplicity's sake.
6. I will try to answer your e-mail questions, but be aware that I am new to this too, and may not be clever enough to answer properly! First try the "Help" section in your blogging software ("How do I upload images?" or "How do I link back to you from my page?").
7. When you enter your link on Mr. Linky, it may say "delete link" next to your name. If you click on that, it will let you delete what you just posted. No one else can see it though, so don't worry about it unless you want to delete it.
8. Enter a 3-4 word description of your post, in parentheses, after you put your name. Be descriptive, be specific, and BE BRIEF.
For example, where the Mr. Linky box says "Your Name", you might put:
Rebecca (Making Studying Fun)
Sam (Helping Shy Kids Participate)
Malik (Teaching Phonics with Rhyming Games)
This will make it easy for others to browse through the tips. PLEASE KEEP YOUR PARENTHETICAL TITLE TO A MAXIMUM OF 4-5 WORDS. Mr. Linky freaks out sometimes when the "Your Name" portion gets too long, and it can mess up the alignment of the whole deal, making it harder to read.
9. I'll put my T3 post up no later than noon (pacific time) each Tuesday.
10. I reserve the right to delete any links that are inappropriate. This is a family show, people!
Okay, wish me luck. I'm going to try to post my first Teaching Tip Tuesday shortly...