02 03 Notes from the School Psychologist: Hug Your School Psychologist Today 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Hug Your School Psychologist Today

If you can locate your school psychologist today, as s/he probably has several school from which s/he flits back and forth, do take a moment to recognize that it's...


*party blowers go off, a few balloons fall from ceiling*

Just like last year, I totally spaced it out until today, Friday. I even had a reminder this year from Tracy, a reader who sent me virtual flowers.

On the heels of week in which I had Tuesday off and missed a whole day of seeing kids, I had an "advocate" at a meeting try to argue with me about whether or not I should be using the term "Dyslexia" or "Learning Disability," misquoting the Educational Code in a rage,* tried to test a kid three times and he was absent, and all around derailment of plans, I really appreciated my V-flowers.

Now I realize this is BAD PR for School Psychology Awareness week to describe all the derailment, so go on and read a warm fuzzy post. There are days in which it's all worth it. I promise.

The Little Engine that Could

*They're the same thing, different lexicon. Simmer down, lady.


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